Building our Cottage
Week 3
We are getting up earlier and earlier. One morning I caught the tail-end of the sunrise and couldn't believe it. " I never knew that was east" I told my neighbor. She just snorted and remarked that I obviously like sleeping in!
This was the week for inspection! The
men raced to finish tarring the foundation before the appointed time. Too late! The inspector arrived early! I became the designated tour guide and did my best to entertain. The inspector looked pretty serious as he strolled around the foundation. When he marched off to his truck to write 'THE Report' I hastened to intervene. 'How about a picture for my blog,' I asked. He grunted and carried right on writing his report. Sigh!
We passed! Hurray!
While the men put 'plates' on the foundations, Elaine and I prepare plates for lunch!
The next day the little bobcat comes to backfill. This means putting all the dirt back where it came from. Only we don't have enough dirt. So our friends who are also building down the street give us some of their dirt. It kind of feels like we're back in our sandbox days! Men are just big boys!
We wave goodbye to the hummingbird outside our trailer,
and return home to family grads and birthdays.
Angela, our niece.
Matt, Jenni, and Michael
Dad and Liz celebrate their birthdays.
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